Thursday 5 February 2015

5th February - Couple of games, some painting progress

Not a bad week (ten days....) when I stop and think about it. Got a couple of games in with my mate Toby and managed to pretty much knock over my Combined Army starter box for Infinity and partially complete the Raicho TAG. Just the Med-Tech and a couple of re purposed Hormagaunts as Gakis to go for my initial foray into the faction.

I've got a few shots from the games, but didn't take notes or write up a proper AAR as they were mostly to give Toby a look at the rules for both.

Our first game was a go at Twilight:World of Anyaral. I didn't bother with a real scenario for this it was just a hit them till they all fall down style thing, but with my extra lot of Delgon I finished off last month it was a nicer sized game. Toby took the Delgon and I was the Devanu. We both made some shitty decisions deploying but at the end some careful tactical use (read shit shit shit shit shit blow three stamina in a single combat) I managed to pull off a win.
Team Tea lines up
Team Powerade deploys

Lot's of spear throwing

The forces about to clash

The second game we got in was Across the Dead Earth. I just played the Red Claw gang again, but Toby knocked together a group of survivors using some of this GZG Oceanic Union troopers. I thought I'd lost after the first couple of turns, but Shay-men managed to get Fat-boy and Pyro back on their feet which turned the game around. By the end Toby had managed to snag one loot counter but I had control of the table and grabbed four. Still it was only a narrow win for me with Toby's counter being worth fifty points and my collected just making sixty. 

Being too lazy to go downstairs and get more tiles (downstairs gaming room coming soon!!!) I had a play and got Toby to bring a few of his ruined buildings we knocked together a table possibly a small farm or something of that like (I really have to get myself into gear and start converting the empty Styrofoam boxes and such liberated from work into working terrain). We deployed in opposite corners and went from there.

Fatboy and Topper lead the way

Topper gets flamed, but Fatboy replies with the RPG eventually
taking out both the Flamer and the Medic tucked in behind him

Best moment of the game, Shrimp wallops the enemy sharpshooter. Toby's gang leader responds by rushing into short range with his SMG, taking aim and..... Jamming!! Admittedly he then stole the next turns initiative and knocked her down, but that gave Reggie enough time to come across and knock down him and the LMG wielding guy and then take out all three.
I've got another convert for both games and I'm currently organizing a few players to set up a one or two turn per month campaign for AtDE. I'm going to cobble together some rules for off board income generation in territories and such and see how we go. Depending on players I'm aiming for between twelve to twenty territories.

If I don't get the basing done this week I'll put up a WIP or two of the CA at some stage as well.

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