Tuesday morning saw me heading to my Uncles to run him and my brother through a demo game of Dreadball. Unfortunately on the way over my brother got a call from his work and ended up going in to cover the other butcher that had managed to put a knife through his thumb. So I ended up playing against my Uncle. My Veer-myn team vs his Corp team. It was quite a good game with plenty of scoring on both sides.... but my rats got tired. 3 rushes of incomplete passes or just plain misses and some favorable scattering for my Uncle results in a rush 14 landslide to the Corporation. Had a good time though and have recruited another coach for the upcoming 2014 inaugural Lucid Cup League.
Also for anyone interested I've jumped on to another couple of Kickstarters
Games and Gears Battle Boards - injection molded hard plastic modular 2' x 2' terrain boards with a few different thematic options. I've upgraded my pledge to the x 4 early bird and added for some of the grid sheets for Deadzone and dust tactics, the dice and gaming tray bundle and the 10mm card building scenery. I'm keeping an eye out for the carry case they're working on which will be coming from Battlefoam as of last update.
Zombie Miniatures - some rather nice Zombie and survivor minis with some urban themed terrain. They've got some themed bonus zombies for pledging before Christmas eve or following and sharing on facebook, twitter etc. I've jumped in at the Decomposition reward tier giving my 2 packs of the 12 zombies and 1 of the 5 survivors, it's running till Jan 10th and they're currently reassessing stretch goals and looking at seeding a few extra minis through them.
That's all for this week. Doesn't look like I'll be getting a game in next week, but my Deadzone package is on time at the moment for a Monday delivery so I'm thinking an unboxing post will be the call for next week :)