Tuesday, 30 September 2014

30th September - Finished Nameless Team

Another Dreadball team down, one to go. But it does look like I have indeed put it on the back burner. Spent the day cleaning up the minis out of Infinity Operation: Icestorm box, gluing them and then finally getting a primer coat on them. So I'll be knocking them over first then more than likely heading back to the Zees to finish off the current teams.

That's about really, just spent an hour or so making some more hedges for Bolt Action while The Wife attempts a bridge (which is coming along nicely in my opinion).

 Sticky Guard

Hard Guard


Whole Team

I've also picked up another kickstarter, this one is molds for making your own base tops, worth a look at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2023606288/basius-2-the-deluxe-stamp-pad-terrain-tile-and-bas

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