I've managed to keep up at least a few hours of work each day for the last few days and things are progressing nicely. I've finished off the infantry except for a coat of varnish (the weather hasn't really been cooperating for a rattle can), the artillery just needs a wash and a touch up (and to be glued down) and I've made a fair start on the cavalry stands. Not sure if I'll get too much more done today but I'm hoping to be able to have them done and on the table by Sunday.
1. Wash down on infantry |
2. Alternate view |
3. Machine gun section |
4. WIP on the artillery |
5. WIP on mounted cavalry |
6. WIP on unmounted cavalry |
7. Finished infantry and machine gun section |
8. Alternate view infantry and machine gun sections |
I toyed with straight static grass at first, but after the first I ended up mixing up a couple of fine flocks (dark and burnt green) as well a little static grass for a bit of depth. They may not be the most finished of projects I've done but from a table top view I quite happy with result.
Progressing nicely.