Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Cancon Trip 2019

Not much in the way of hobby the last week or so, but the wife, Arwen and myself headed down to Canberra for CanCon 2019 over the weekend. Jen and I have been using it as a yearly holiday for ourselves but this year took down the youngest to see what she thought of it.

As usual we detoured over to the Australian War Memorial, but this year we added the National Museum and checked out the Rome City and Empire exhibit currently on loan out there. I have to say it was an exceptional display.

CanCon itself was great and I snapped a few photos here and there of some of the nicer table layouts.

I've got a few things on the go at the moment, ranging from my ongoing Tyranids to a mass of Zulus to be followed by some colonial British. So hopefully I'll have something more hobby or game related to post up soon.

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